DSP & Accessory Compatibility Chart: View / Download
DSP & Accessory Compatibility Chart: View / Download
DSP & Accessory Compatibility Chart: View / Download
Already in 2009, when CarAudio was still largely analog, Henning Gladen (†) initiated the development of a digital signal processor (DSP) at MOSCONI.
It quickly became clear: In the digital world, where complex algorithms calculate many digits after the decimal point, Henning's and MOSCONI's high standards can only be achieved with extreme precision.
Time does not only mean more than 12 years of experience, the exact handling of time is also decisive for the result and quality of a DSP. Time allows no tolerance, because frequency is not negotiable.
The goal was reached with a cooperation of the best: The analog competence of MOSCONI, the German engineering art in the digital field, and the expertise of the suppliers Texas Instrument, Analog Devices and Microchip.
With para-graphic EQ and signal controlled mixer, unknown at that time, already the first MOSCONI DSP (6to8) became a milestone.
Continuous research and development led to worldwide unique functions like dISC (dynamic filter), Pha°C (phase measurement and correction) and PTC (Pilot Tone Control) - today the crucial tools in modern vehicles!